Hi all

Totally new audiophile here! Recently got set up with a mid range turn table, and some second hand bits which includes a Marantz PM7003.

The amp is analogue and I’d like to wire in a receiver for TV, AirPlay, network audio, etc. I’ve been thinking about building a hifiberry. Does anyone have any experience with controlling an amp over the remote jacks?

What I want to be able to do is to stream audio over the hifiberry without having to turn the amp on and off every time. I was looking at the specs for the PM7003 and there is a remote control jack (D.BUS jack?) on the back. I’ve been doing some reading on software and jackd/jacks bus seems to pop up. Struggling to understand if this will allow me to power on and power off the PM7003 through that port on the back. Maybe someone has tackled this before or had a better solution?

Thanks in advance 🙏