Sorry for double posting. The first post I typed on my phone and decided to hop on my PC to make it easier. I deleted the first post

Just a quick background about me:

I’m a 26-year-old male. I come from a poor family. Growing up, I lived in a small house with three siblings, and although we were never truly hungry to the point of not eating anything for an entire day, life was still hard. In 2014, I registered on an online forum and made my first money back then. The feeling of spending my OWN money on things I always wanted was beautiful to me. That’s when I knew I wanted to work for myself.

Fast forward to today:

I’m still making money online, although I’ve yet to cross the threshold of true entrepreneurship where I’d be considered rich. I make more than I would in a 9-5 job, but it’s far from my goal.

I’m asking this question because I’m surrounded by people who are opposed to the idea of being an entrepreneur and working for myself. My dad always pushed me to find a regular job because he dislikes the idea of financial instability, regardless of the fact that what I make online is far more than he could ever make with his job. It has reached the point where even my high-paying projects (several thousand euros) don’t make him proud anymore.

I don’t really have any friends I actively hang out with. Instead, I mostly hang out with my sister and her fiance. They both work regular jobs and have no interest in entrepreneurship. They don’t dislike the idea, but they don’t engage in discussions about it with me, nor do they want to. In fact, no one close to me has any ambition to become rich or an entrepreneur. I’m almost certain that I’m the only family member in the past 4-5 generations who has afforded expensive things in life and actively pursued this lifestyle rather than a 9-5 life.

Most millionaires’ first advice is to surround yourself with like-minded people, so I’m wondering if there’s anyone who has been in my shoes and still made it big. Do you have any advice for someone like myself?