I have a pair of type07’s and 20’s. Due to changing life circumstances and personal wants, I’m considering selling stuff and getting 30’s. My friend had them, and while they sounded great, he was in a fully treated studio. I have 6" thick Corning panels but they are not currently in use (moved to a smaller apt).

Bottom line…I’ve read that the 30’s can hit higher SPL but not much else. It’s a second woofer, that’s it, I believe. The 20’s versus the 07’s is a huge change in drivers and enclosures.

I’d have to see a substantial gain to make this worthwhile. I love using my 07’s at my desk and my 20’s in my living room. It’s the best setup I’ve ever had, and makes my old B&W’s a joke, sadly. But I don’t want to go through the cost and headache to replace everything for a marginal SPL gain.