I have started my small homelab with a bunch of services on top of Proxmox (OMV, PiHole, HomeAssistant, bunch of small docker containers, etc.)

Currently i am using Heimdall as sort of ‘dashboard’, but more of a centralized place to keep track of all ips and ports the different services are.

I am in a search of something to make all the services available under somewhat local domains -

omv.local ->

proxmox.local ->

serviio.local ->

portainer.local ->

For the domain itself it’s easy - pihole will do it for me, but the issue is the actual ports for the containers. The DNS doesn’t care for the port. I am really not sure what i am looking for even as term, let alone for specific piece of software.

So to get to my question is this actually possible in all local environment, and if so where to start my research? Doesn’t need to be something sophisticated with auto detection and whatnot. It’s all fine if i have to add manually each entry.