I need some AI generative tools for a state-sponsored 1 hour course a friend of mine is hosting for people aged from 12 to 60 years old. They are taking an “induction” into AI with the goal of learning how to produce content with the help of AI. The idea is that they have a range of web-based AI tools at disposal in a computer in order to do a “collaborative creative film” of sorts.

The different people in the course will be grouped into pairs, and then they will choose some of AI tools in a list to help them with the creative process. The AI tools in the list should not require inscription.

The no-inscription rule it’s a requirement because of data protection laws (no personal e-mail or other personal info should be given). Also, it would be preferable that, if the AI requires text input, the tool is capable of understanding French text input, even if the results are worse than in english.

In the end, each pair will give the resulting generated content to my friend, who will then have to group it to make it into a sort of “short-film” stitching-up all the content generated by the groups, wether is audio, images, text, or other creations. Any AI tool that helps with this content-stitching process could also be really helpful for him.

I also proposed him that he uses Deepl or Google Translate to that each pair writes the text input in french, translates it into english and then puts it into the AI tool as english text input. He asked me for some AI web based tool that translated, put apart ChatGPT (which requires registration) I don’t know of any.

I told him also about tools like https://10minutemail.net/ that can help ease the registration process by using fake emails and fake data to register into the AI tools. He seems however sceptic about the IT capabilities of the public taking the course. So any other ideas you have on this could be helpful :)

Thanks in advance for your help!

TLDR; my friend needs a list of different web-based AI tools for an initiation course, ideally that require no registration and that accept french text input