This question may not belong here. But people here can help.

I backup files for clients. After it is done, I run a power shell script to email clients and myself that backup is completed. Problem is that I have to put an email login/password in that script in order to do that. Obviously, this is not a perfect solution.

I have been thinking about various ways, e.g. write an exe file and hard code password. problem is that what if I need to change password.

Any suggestions? Thanks,

  • @xkcd__386B
    18 months ago

    if the message itself is not important/sensitive, or can be suitably obfuscated without loss, use

    • pick a word. Let’s say you pick Quei3Oju
    • install app on your phone, and subscribe to the channel Quei3Oju
    • send messages from the server using curl -d "Backup successful"

    no passwords, no secrets. Risk: anyone who knows that word (or the operator of can see your messages. Hence why the point about sensitivity of the message itself

    Edit 1: this is literally the main example if you browse to :)

    Edit 2: what a coincidence; I just saw this thread: in the same sub!