Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone in my network is using Wireshark and how to protect myself.

I live in a student apartment where 5 people share the same network via wifi and all of us have access to the router.

One person is very good at cyber security working with kali and jokingly mentioned Wireshark.

All I know is that he is good at what he does and has scored a high paying job after passing their entry test to be a pen tester.

Now I don’t really know that person to well and thus don’t have trust in him not using it or doing other shady shit.

Especially after I saw how geeked he was about retrieving data like email addresses etc from a ssd he found outside of a nearby school scheduled for electrical waste pickup which would most likely not offer any “valuable” information.

It kind of made me think how exciting it must be for him to sniff the shared network and eavesdrop on us other shared apartment members plus he is a bit weird sometimes talking about social engineering and stalking female neighbors by paying attention to their schedules and daily routines.