I followed this tutorial to setup NGINX Proxy Manager for my home lab. It’s setup to only be accessible from within my network.

I have done the following:

  1. Purchased domain name from NameCheap
  2. Set the Nameservers in NameCheap to direct to my 2 Cloudflare Nameservers
  3. Set A and CNAME records in Cloudflare
  4. Configured SSL Certificate in Nginx Proxy Manager
  5. Added a Proxy Host

Here is my issue: when trying to go to [myDomain.com]; I get an error saying that it can’t be reached.

I’m running this via Docker on a Synology. I also run a pfSense firewall.

My docker container is using the ‘bridge’ network, which all of the other containers I’m running are using. None of the Docker containers can be reached if I set the Destination in NPM to my host’s IP address, or the Docker container name.

Any advice? I’m not sure where I went wrong here.