I am having to redo all of my home network and I am not as tech savvy as i use to be.

Little bit of information. house is 2300sqft that is heavily insulated with sprayfoam 6in thick outside walls, between floors and ceiling. I have an office building behind the house and another building that have Cat6 run to them and I will need to hook them into the network for internet. One of these buildings I would like to put an exterior Wi-Fi router on later to cover our 20 acres. 3 gamers in the house. I need 2.4ghz for some of the stuff in the house. Atlest 8 ethernet ports are needed. Most gaming systems and tvs are on these.

I’ve been looking and I’m a little bit lost in the hardware and how to set this up. I do have fiber at the house so internet speeds aren’t an issue.

I have been looking at Asus gaming routers due to that is what we have always had but i need more ethernet ports then what they have.

Please feel free to ask questions i might have missed. As I ststed tech has moved faster then I have kept up with and im lost…or maybe just old now. 😅