With the start of the 2023-24 season right around the corner, I decided to look at how far each team is scheduled to travel throughout the season (roughly). I say roughly as we have the new in-season tournament this year so we don’t have the full schedule due to the unscheduled knockout rounds. This means the analysis is incomplete, nevertheless, you can find a summary table of the total distance each team will roughly travel.

Rank Team Total Distance (km)
1 Los Angeles Clippers 80,882
2 Brooklyn Nets 75,512
3 Portland Trail Blazer 73,356
4 Denver Nuggets 72,600
5 Minnesota Timberwolves 72,371
6 Sacramento Kings 72,364
7 Miami Heat 70,038
8 Golden State Warriors 67,646
9 New Orleans Pelicans 67,262
10 San Antonio Spurs 66,931
11 Boston Celtics 66,895
12 Los Angeles Lakers 66,846
13 Memphis Grizzlies 66,582
14 Phoenix Suns 65,665
15 Orlando Magic 65,568
16 Oklahoma City Thunder 65,030
17 Dallas Mavericks 63,994
18 Philadelphia 76ers 63,435
19 New York Knicks 62,671
20 Utah Jazz 62,593
21 Cleveland Cavaliers 61,513
22 Atlanta Hawks 60,691
23 Houston Rockets 60,554
24 Chicago Bulls 59,218
25 Washington Wizards 58,378
26 Charlotte Hornets 57,840
27 Milwaukee Bucks 55,456
28 Detriot Pistons 54,302
29 Indiana Pacers 53,480
30 Toronto Raptors 52,411

Each distance is calculated from stadium to stadium along a line of minimum distance. It’s also assumed that a team will only travel from one game to the next, so everyone sleeps at the stadium until they’re set to play their next game - no going home (or anywhere else) between games (sorry teams!).

For example, the Lakers play the Nuggets on opening night, so their travel distance is from their home stadium to the Nuggets’ stadium (1,337 km). In the analysis, the Lakers will stay at the Nuggets’ stadium until the next game, where they travel directly from the Nuggets’ stadium back home (1,337 km). The total distance travelled is 1,337 + 1,337 = 2,674 km and so on and so on until we get the above numbers.

I’ve also made an interactive dashboard in Tableau where you can dive deeper into the distance analysis at the link below. If you enjoy it and fancy helping me out, nominate it for “Viz of the Day” using the little ribbon button in the top right of the dashboard.

NBA Schedule 2023-24 Dashboard

TL;DR The Clippers are scheduled to travel the furthest total distance (80,882 km) this season with the Raptors scheduled to travel the least (52,411 km).

  • SpiritLifter6OPB
    11 months ago

    What’s also crazy is that the Nets have a game in Mexico and Paris and still don’t travel as far as the Clippers!