Hey Guys.

I need your help.

Iam currently searching for a Software for my IP Security cams.

After looking and testing several solutions from here: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#video-surveillance I still need your help

-Bluecherry => Meh license costs something

-Frigate => exactly what iam looking for, but i dont use Homeassistant…

-Kerberos => Pretty heavy but pretty good documented + nice Features

-Zoneminder => Looks pretty solid aswell.

Is anyone of you using one of the solutions above and if so, do you like it? And are there Features that are missing / that you dont like.

Iam currently thinking about using either

-Installing Homeassistant and using Frigate


-Go with Kerberos

Thanks for your suggestions

  • @DisastrousPipe8924B
    18 months ago

    I’d recommend frigate for basic recording features. Its human detection is pretty bad even with compute, but recording and transcoding is very solid. It can be self hosted as standalone. Been using one for a few months now and it’s rock solid. Only downside is that you have to configure it via yaml.

    Another solution I can recommend, especially if you want to more easily integrate with HomeKit or any of the other smart home providers is Scrypted. It’s more UI centric and covers all the same bases as frigate, though slightly more resource intensive.

    • @koushdB
      18 months ago

      Scrypted leverages on camera motion detection and is much less resource intensive than other solutions.

      • @DisastrousPipe8924B
        18 months ago

        I ran a small experiment with frigate/go2rtc vs scrypted.
        If all you want is to just have something communicate with say homeassistant or direct to apple-homekit then go2rtc is the bet option (though ugly UI).
        If you want just a 1 stop shop then scrypted is the best solution.
        If you want to have consistent motion/detection then frigate is the best.

        Additionally, scrypted does eay a lot of resources, especially for re-streams, so while it does not have to use it’s own detection/motion models for anything else it’s a resource-hog. The nice thing about go2rtc (which powers the restream for frigate) which is really because it’s written in a low-level language and is distributed via a binary (eats like no ram and very little cpu).

    • @No_Dragonfruit_5882OPB
      18 months ago

      Meh. So its in a Business location cause it watches My Business + My Familys Business + Our House and Parking spots.

      I dont think face recognition is too smart in such case?! Since it has probably >300 Faces each day