I want to pursue editorial travel photography with a mix of street and documentary.

In mind, when I think of travel photography, I don’t want to limit myself to just the architecture of the place. I also want to grasp the photography of the culture mostly the people! I want to be able to do editorial work with the locals, this may look like actually having them model for my camera. (Something like this: http://www.paperboats.me/article/photos-day-super-yaya)

In cases like this, for those of you who have done travel photography or know about it, how often are locals willing to do things like this? How to build that connection for them to feel comfortable? If so, do you compensate them by giving them the photos you take?

When it comes to the street photography aspect, was there any backlash from that, were locals thrown off? Safety? Etc.

I’ve been looking of possibly doing a trip with an organized organization who does things like this (which wouldn’t be too long term) or I’m thinking of attending a missions school to get accredited and a degree that builds a travel trip inside of the degree program.

  • GroundbreakingCrew19OPB
    11 months ago

    First, thank you for giving me so much advice!

    This was definitely a concern I had, the materials the countries had. I was thinking of getting small point and shoot cameras with the grant money I received for the 501c3. I’m thinking of starting it up in the states (I’m from the states) and then creating contracts with organizations in those areas and teaching it there. (If this is even remotely possible. Still going to figure that part out.) This may maybe open up a possibility in the near future for me to open up my own location for it in another country.

    Where do you think I can go to find contacts/fixers?

    I for sure would try to do a contract with the people I’m photographing. I would hope it wouldn’t make them thrown off too much, and they decide to not do it anymore. But we’d see, I want to go that route to make sure I’m respecting the local and also being ethical!

    The end goal is to be independent! But I know for sure starting off at a publication would work. I’m just not sure how that process works completely. Are publications based for travel photographers? Would I join a fashion publication? I’m going to research on it, and if you have any other suggestions or generalized things of how it works, I’d be so open to hearing!

    Thank you so much for the tips 🙂 this really motivated me.