I decided to buy this book based on the scores from Goodreads and multiple recommendations from Reddit, but I just finished the book and it felt very… bland.

The whole premise had me interested from start to finish. Intelligent octopuses that have developed a society and have been keeping tabs on humans to determine if they could be friend or foe. Like, from a sci-fi standpoint it’s unique. But MY GOD every character except Altantsetseg and Evrim is either cringey or one-dimensional. And the plot never reached a climax for me. The octopuses assault the hotel and then everyone just is like “Okay, let’s get back to work trying to communicate with them” as if caution is thrown to the wind. Even Dr. M-C is murdered and the group is basically saying “that’s octopuses for ya lol”.

I don’t know. I wonder if I was expecting too much. What are your thoughts?