I’m a casual gamer that basically wants to play star wars battle front (classics), skyrim, baldurs gate and KOTOR and I found out about the steam deck a couple months ago and it was perfect for my needs cuz it can play current but also like classic games. I wanted to buy it straight away but the price felt like a big barrier to me even tho it was the cheapest way to play Baldurs Gate

I never really ever buy entertainment stuff cuz big purchases make me more nervous than excited. I kept getting lost in like what storage I should get, GameStop, steam official, etc. I was looking often at the steam store for their official refurbishes, but gave up cuz for 2 months they never had them. I was gonna do the 256gb from steam but that felt expensive.

Then the OLED came out and the prices of LCD dropped, still kinda felt unsure until tonight I saw the 512GB was under 400$ refurbished. Before that 512 was just out of the question at like 650$. That just quashed all concerns and I bought the 512GB spending significantly less than I was expecting on the 256GB

Idk, I really needed something to lift my spirits a bit, this is just really lucky. I won’t have to keep putting forks in my toaster as antennae to play baldurs gate, I’ll have a proper baldurs machine. It’ll be nice to play classic battle front as a lil mindless escapism too