I’ve been using the 15 pro max for a few weeks and I just prefer android more(coming from pixel fold). I do like the ecosystem apple provides, I like the professional esthetics of their UI, as well as the battery life of this device specifically… it’s just not for me. I’m sorry if anyone disagrees with my thought process, but this is my personal opinion that I just wanted to share.

Here are some of the issues I have with the iPhone/iOS. ——

A lot more spam calls on iOS (coming from pixel)

Search navigation is weird (cant just type something then search. I have to go through a list of what apple thinks I might like.

Old Notification Center is absolutely pointless and shows previous notifications I’ve cleared.

navigation issues in general - sliding down to see notifications… to get rid of that you can’t slide finger in the middle of the screen, you have to go all the way down to the bar and slide up. Some apps like Reddit, if you’re in a full screen video you can only slide left to get rid of it… but every other notification consists of sliding down to get rid of. (It’s just not consistent)

Settings not in control panel- might be a weird gripe, but I prefer this to remove clutter from Home Screen… that and my reference to not liking the search option that iOS provides.

Limited keyboard

Back button at the top left when navigating through web browser like chrome or safari is awkward.

Software can be just as buggy as android these days.

Fragile- have not dropped or banged around and already replaced the back glass once (had a crack appear at the bottom left, underneath the outside glass… possibly due to pressure) I do understand that durability is a sensitive topic for the iPhone 15 pro/max, but I literally baby my devices. Part of the reason I switched from a foldable was durability concerns. I do love the ease of repair and that replacing glass (back or front) is only 30 dollars, but since it broke so early on it’s always going to be in the back of my mind because I haven’t even had this device a month and it’s already happened to me. __ I’m not saying these are bad devices. While I may have just had one faulty experience, all of these things I’ve mentioned just add up to me preferring androids UI.

Thanks for reading my rant.