So real quick, I’ve been exploring local LLM for a bit and so on. In this video I get into what I think is the future for LLM, but in a nut shell I think Microsoft will eventually push out a local LLM to machines to cut down on a lot of resources and cost. In doing so, it likely will be possible for developers to tap into that local LLM for their game.

The worries I seen bring up is

  1. Spoilers - As mention in the video it is currently and it should always be possible to solve for this in the stuff sent to the LLM. The LLM can’t talk about what it doesn’t know.
  2. The NPC talks about stuff it shouldn’t - by fine tuning it, this solves this problem to an extreme degree. The better you prep it, the less likely it will go off script. Even more with how you coded your end.
  3. Story lines shouldn’t be dynamic. The answer to this is simple. Don’t use the LLM for those lines and given NPC.
  4. Cost - Assuming I’m right about Microsoft and others will add a local LLM. The local part of it removes this problem.

It is possible to have it where given NPC show different emotions and direct their emotions as shown here where I tested it with anger.