This AI Genrated Pep is an absolute FRAUD! TEN LASSO! nof Ten Hag, TEN LASSO! Erik Ten Laden absolute Haram Terroist Football, his tactics is to hope that Rat and Cheese String of a Captain Bruno spams a hoof ball to Rash Bandicoot to chase it and finish, except Rash Bandicoot wont finish it because he’s crao when he’s not on his Purple Patch Mario Upgrade, Bruno out here looking like Remy from Ratatouille absolute RAT he is shit man; and who picks the team? TEN LASSO! And he’s starting that Passion Merchant Scott Mcterminator who Knee Slides across the whole country everytime he scumbags a goal, and he’s constantly protected that Scrub Maguire and even plays him! Throw him in the reserves you Bald Ole! Absolute LOSER! THAT’S WHAT TEN LASSO IS, HE’S A LOSER, THAT’S WHY KEEP LOSING, BECAUSE TEN LADEN IS A LOSER, he evsn bought the Crab Mount and Andrew Tate aka Haramrabat in Midfield, go back to holland you tramp

Erik Ten hours until he hopefully he goes to jail with Antony and Promes, throw the key away too please, add some years on his crimes against football aswell