I’ve worked freelance for a small company for a few months now and just got asked to join the team full-time. I’m super excited but stumped at this one: my new boss has been using his personal phone number as the business number and I feel like it’s too late to switch it to another number. This number is on the Google Business profile, the socials, every email sent over, and this business is almost 7 years old with a cache of customers knowing this number.

Any recommendations for number forwarding so I can start taking phone calls while he maintains this number? I’ve looked into Google Voice but I want a better idea about how this might work before I go into a meeting later this week as to how we should move forward.

Thanks for the help!

  • senorpancake1OPB
    10 months ago

    Hey! I’m looking into Openphone right now, is email integration possible with it?