I recently set up a server for plex to share with a couple friends, which is easy enough to do.

I more recently got a domain from cloudflare with the intention of hosting game servers with AMP and add Ombi for requests.

Now, I do trust a couple friends to give my ip to, but if they were to want someone else to join id rather not be using my ip.

I was attempting to set up cloudflare until I saw they don’t support tcp/udp on the free tier.

I’m just looking for some tips about the best way to set everything up without exposing a bunch of ports for everything

  • OfficiallyBrownOPB
    11 months ago

    I suppose that that’s what I’m really after. It would be nice to be able to just give out a domain name or something easier to remember for people besides an IP, but I guess it isn’t 100% necessary