My (now fiancée!) and I are both big watch aficionados, and had been looking for something other than rings to exchange when we got engaged (we ended up also getting rings… por qué no los dos, as they say). After looking around for a bit we settled on tanks, the first style we bonded over, as it meant we could each get one matching our styles and lifestyles while still being in conversation with each other.

I love the mechanical aspect of watches, and enjoy the attention/ritual of daily winding enough to happily do so (it also feels deeply romantic to me - for the watch to continue running, I have to put in effort every day). I wear gold tones and was looking for a leather band and a bit smaller/more delicate case, so the small Louis C felt the most appropriate.

My fiancée on the other hand would rather die than give herself another little task to do every morning and is much harder-wearing on her objects. Quartz and a metal bracelet it is! She also wanted a slightly more masculine/sharp look and wears mostly silver tones so we went with the steel Francaise. The panthere entered the conversation briefly but didn’t feel stately enough for the occasion - the Francaise fits her style better anyway.

Conveniently, our wrists only differ by ~1/4 inch, so on occasion we trade watches if it would work better with our fits :)

It’s been a few months but I’m still over the moon!