Hello everyone!

I may not be a professional photographer, but I enjoy capturing photos and recording videos. I’ve never delved much into the world of editing, typically relying on MacOS applications like Photos and iMovie.

However, I’m now in search of a new software to enhance my editing capabilities. Frankly, I’m quite overwhelmed by the myriad of options available and prefer an affordable solution that doesn’t involve a monthly subscription, like Adobe Lightroom and others.
Two programs have piqued my interest:

  1. Photomator, which, from what I’ve gathered, bears similarities to Lightroom and is compatible with both Mac and iPhone.
  2. Pixelmator Pro, which appears to resemble Photoshop but is exclusively for Mac users. Both programs offer tutorial sections, which I find essential.

Additionally, I’ve heard about Darkroom.
If any of you have had experience with either of these two options, I’d greatly appreciate reading your insights.

Which app would you recommend for my needs, or do you have other noteworthy suggestions to consider?

Thanks 🙏