For the last month or so I’ve been hearing a grinding noise when taking slow sharp left turns (sounds like it’s coming front front right wheel). Last time I drove my car I stopped at a stop sign and when I went to go again it wouldn’t, it felt like my brakes are still engaged. I had to floor it to pull over, I put it in park and back to drive and I could get my car home just fine. I towed it to the mechanic that is saying he can’t find anything wrong, I thought it was a seized calliper maybe but now I don’t know….any ideas? Thanks in advanced! Also it’s a 2009 Chevy trailblazer

  • Smitty_10199OPB
    10 months ago

    Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate your input :). I definitely didn’t have the parking brake on but I picked up the car today and drove around, the grinding noise was definitely quieter and only happened once and sounded like it was coming from the back now. The mechanic said maybe there was a piece of gravel in the front one and it got knocked loose when the tow truck lowered my car 🤷🏼‍♀️ my friends dad is going to look at it so we shall see. Thanks again!