Hey all - we are going to take the plunge and get our daughter an iPhone for xmas. I am an android user and would rather not take the plunge and switch, but need to make sure we can properly monitor her screen time and take advantage of some of the parental controls.

So, my question is, can we set the screen time and parental controls on her iphone using my ipad? Or does it make sense for me to give up my android which I would rather not do. I have an iPad I use to set screen time and parental controls on both my daughters ipads, but wondering if the same functionality works between an iPad and an iPhone.

I believe you can, but I would really prefer to hear this from someone who has actually experienced it. I would rather not get my daughter a phone at all… but… she is probably the last of her friends to get one and I guess I can’t ignore the inevitable any longer.

Thanks in advance.