Hello, I’m a bit new to all this and still learning so forgive me if this is obvious.

I currently have a normal wifi network for internet running through an ASUS AC1900.

I would like to set up a standalone wifi network, without internet, that will be completely dedicated to sending Art-Net data to some microcontrollers for LEDs (about 2600 WS2812b, I’m estimating the data need to be about 2-3 Mbps on the high end).

My questions are: can I set up a secondary network on my current router? If that’s not a great solution, can you all suggest a router or device that can maintain this standalone network and not interfere with the Art-Net data? I’ve read that the “dumber the better” for the router or switch, so that it doesn’t try to “look in” on the Art-Net data and somehow alter it.
