I work at a small company, and I got hired because I am friends with the manager. I put in my vacation request in march My manager (friend) decided she would wait until the last min to tell the owner that we are going on vacation together…I was totally against it but she said that if he found out we went together he wouldn’t trust us for lying about the situation… which I agreed to doing it her way …
I was hoping to avoid the whole thing that we were going together… But we recently told the boss that our spouses got tickets for this vacation and it’s not refundable we would be out thousands of dollars each. And he’s still saying no that we can’t go I’m to the point of putting in my 2 weeks just how he keeps saying no we can’t go! We have made sure the schedule is covered And everything will be ok I am pretty high up in the company When you give a vacation request you are giving a notice that this is the plan Not can I go…