Okay, so I’m in the city of Houston Texas. I’m exiting the highway at the speed limit which was 45mph. As I approach the traffic light, it’s green. It didn’t just turn green, it wasn’t turning red anytime soon, it had been green and remained green as I approached the intersection. Then right before I approach the intersection, an emergency vehicle (with flashing lights) zooms from the left side of the intersection giving me less than a second to react. So I slam my brakes but still manage to collide with the rear of the vehicle. Their vehicle lands on its side, my vehicle becomes totaled. By the Grace of God they had no patient and every responder inside was alive and well. Law enforcement arrives to the scene and gives me a ticket for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle (as well as having expired plates which I will admit to being 100% at fault for). In the mail, I received my charges and it looks like they would be fees totaling almost $1,000 but I truly believe that I am innocent in all of this. Although they did have their sirens on, they are STILL supposed to yield when approaching a red light to ensure that it’s safe to pass which they did NOT do. And it clearly was NOT safe to for them to pass as I was approaching the intersection. There are also cameras at the location (hopefully they work and were on at the time of this), but I’m curious to see what everyone’s thoughts are about this.