So I’ve been using wise for years without problems in Mexico, Guatemala, peru. then they suddenly locked my card in Costa Rica without warning. Because I’d been using it without problems for years I trusted it and, perhaps foolishly, it was the only payment method I had. I faced homelessness and no food , which in latin America is dangerous. They asked for documents which I sent them and they said it could take 10 - 15 days to look at them. To me to do this without warning is pretty outrageous. So just so you know….

Edite to add I normally take three cards with me just in case, unfortunately this time for various reasons it was t possible. As I’d had such a smooth experience with wise I had no reason to expect this. Turns out it was because I started teaching English online and had a student from Saudi Arabia so it must have flagged some automated system when he paid me into wise. They’ve given me 24 hours to upload another flood of documents before they cancel my account, and Im about to board a plane. Totally u reasonable behaviour you would t get with a normal bank.

  • GuusssssssssssssOPB
    10 months ago

    /ive been a digital nomad for since 1998 mate - its neve rhappened before - but due to unforseen circumstances I was unable to take backup cards with me - so you can stop being a condescending cnt. The subject of this post should wises incompetance not my own which I notice youve failed to comment on. Work for wise do you ?