Hey guys I looked around on Reddit and I think this is the right place to post this. If not I apologize.

I drive a 2017 Hyundai Ioniq hybrid. I’m the original owner. It only has about 40,000 miles on it because I don’t drive it all that often.

While driving it last week, the car stared sputtering and jerking like crazy and the check engine light was flashing. A buddy of mine with a scanner checked the code and it said that all 4 cylinders were misfiring. Figuring it was something my 100k miles powertrain warranty would cover, I brought it to the dealership.

After running the codes, driving it, and testing it, they replaced the coil in one of the cylinders. That fixed the misfire but it was still driving irregularly. They then replaced the cat. Still driving irregularly. (Both of those were covered by my warranty)

Now they’re telling me it’s an issue with the fuel pump due to using contaminated fuel and it’s not covered under any warranty. They’re trying to charge me $2900 for parts and labor which sounds insane to me. I cannot afford that and don’t really know what to do. Is that price normal? My local shop I used to trust with my old car doesn’t work on hybrids so I don’t really know what else to do.

tl;dr - Hyundai trying to charge me $2900 for a fuel pump replacement and I feel like I’m being absolutely ripped off but I don’t know what else to do.