TLDR; Car got stolen 5 days after I paid it off, insurance wont fix it but will give me $4,200 for it. Can anyone help me with suggestions on a used car?

Hey reddit, On October 20th I walked outside of my house to find my car stolen. Unfortunately it was a Kia Optima and I’ve only just learned how easy they are to steal. I had just gotten a new engine off of warranty last december and replaced all of the tires, breaks, rotors, struts, and bushings this year. Im honestly beside myself I was really looking forward to not having a car payment (with basically a brand new car) and being able to save up money for a home.

Insurance said I could total it out for around $4200 or I could put a salavaged title on it and take it home with no payment.

I would be extremely greatful for any guidance. Thank you so much!