Greetings, fellow members of the r/LeagueOfLegends community! It’s always fascinating to see how passionate we are about the champions we love and play in the ever-evolving world of League of Legends. In recent times, there have been various discussions and boycotts that have highlighted issues with certain champions, and today, on behalf of all the Vladimir mains, I’d like to share our perspective on our beloved champion.

Firstly, let’s acknowledge the recent Shen boycott, which shed light on the champion’s perceived unplayable state. Then there was the Vel’Koz boycott, which brought to our attention how outdated the champion may feel in the current season 13 meta. We can’t forget the insightful post about Riven’s animation cancels, intriguingly authored by a Soraka main, that sparked discussions about potential balance changes. And, of course, the discussion around mage Zed and his perceived lack of fun and balance, which some claim is detrimental to the overall gameplay experience.

Let’s not forget the recent post from the Malzahar Mains community, offering intriguing ideas on quality-of-life buffs and other improvements for Malzahar. These discussions prove that our community is passionate about the state of the game and is eager to see positive changes.

Now, back to Vladimir. As Vladimir mains, we’d like to express our contentment with the champion’s current state, and that is…

#We kinda like Vladimir the way he is. That’s why we main him.

Vladimir is unique and offers a distinct playstyle that many of us find enjoyable. However, a small request we have is for another bald skin, as Nosferatu is currently his only option for that style. Sometimes we want to embrace the bald look but with a different aesthetic twist.

In conclusion, open discussions like these are essential for the League of Legends community to thrive and grow. It’s through our collective feedback and passion that we can help shape the game’s future and make it an even more enjoyable experience for everyone. Whether you’re a Vladimir main or a fan of any other champion, your voice matters, and it’s crucial to share your thoughts to keep the game vibrant and balanced.

Thank you for taking the time to read our perspective on Vladimir, and may your games be filled with victorious moments and exciting plays. Have a fantastic day on the Rift!

  • deemerrittB
    10 months ago

    They complained because he did similar damage to what he does now and he was unkillable. I love vlad but his current design is fine.