I should start off by saying that I´m in low Bronze, but I honestly think I should be a little higher. I play with a friend who is a Gold, and in those silver/gold servers, I usually am at the least decent and helpful, finishing the games in 2nd/3rd place with a decent amount of kills and assists.

Since I haven’t played for a while, my accuracy isn’t super good, but I have good game knowledge and I know when and where to use the right OPs.

This game was originally a tactical and team focused game. Well, I stopped playing for a while and came back to siege. Let me tell you, it is completely impossible to play this as it was originally intended, as a team.

Nobody cares about tactics/defending or using useful OPs and their gadgets. There are many rounds where I’m literally the only one defending and reinforcing the bomb sites. Rounds last for less than 1 minute because I’m the only one defending.

People choose, e.g , Thermite, but opt to not tear down a reinforced wall. People choose Kali, but don’t feel like taking down Mute’s or Kaid’s gadgets, so I, who chose Ace, can’t do anything about it.

Many don’t use their common sense. They are attacking and see a defuser on the floor, they don’t think “hey, maybe someone is looking at it, waiting for me to appear”, no, they just sprint to the defuser and die.

Many attackers don’t use their drones. They will advance without even knowing where the site is or what OPs the defenders have and when there are two man standing "so it’s a final 1v1), they will, again, advance without using the drone a single time.

Most people only use the voice chat to scream (mostly children) or to either just make noise or to be toxic. I once heard an italian call someone the N word because the italian wanted the defuser…

Attackers don’t realize that, in order to defend the already planted defuser, you don’t need to sit on top of it. You can leave the site and attack when you hear someone trying to disable the defuser.

Defenders, when there are like 5 seconds remaining in the round, will peek and die, just because they want that useless kill.

I’m almost sure that many people don’t play with headphones/earphones, so they ignore obvious sound clues that indicate that an enemy is to their right/left. So they play rainbow while being basically deaf.

People care more about getting those sweet sweet kills than about winning the round and the game. It’s like “yeah, I lost 4-0, but I killed 8 people so I’m pretty good”. Well I played with a team that had great accuracy. Most of their kills were quick headshots. I lost the game because they attacked like they were playing call of duty and the just didn’t defend nor reinforce the site, they left me all alone. I just had to die for the attackers easily plant.

Siege used to be a tactical game, people used to play as a team, people used to think, use their common sense. Now, people play siege like they are playing the new MW3 or something. Run and gun, sprint and shoot (or just sprint and die). Playing siege is like a football (soccer) team playing with 11 goal hungry strickers.

I think that this happened because ubisoft makes the game less and less realistic each season and releases skins that are more appealing to kids/young people. Whats next? Are they gonna release an OP’s whose gadget is wings so it can fly around the map, and a shrek skin?

People, please use your brain. Think while playing. Play as a team.

This is the end of my rant.

And no, I’m not raging right now, this is just something that I’ve kept with myself for a while and I wanted to share it and know your opinions.

Maybe this is a Bronze problem, but I can’t rank up if I keep playing by myself. My friends aren’t always around when I’m able to play the game, so I have to play with randoms, and well, that’s the result. And again, when I say “playing by myself” I’m not saying that I’m the best player ever, I’m saying that I play as a team member, I prioritize the win over the kills, that’s it.

If you are one of those who do those things I complained about (in Ranked), please stop.

Thank you for your attention.

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  • AeroZeppelin94OPB
    10 months ago

    Honestly I wouldn’t read something this long myself ahaha. I don’t blame you. But yeah, that’s basically it. This game is full of brain dead kids who think they are playing COD