I still don’t understand why everyone is trying to pick between the two. I saw a comment yesterday I absolutely agree with - they’re basically Zeke/Pollard from 2022. Granted they aren’t being used that way right now, but the hate on Naj is unnecessary.

Kenny takes 1.5 seconds to hand the ball off to him and it feels like every single time he’s on the field it’s a run. Obviously defenses are going to react to that. Yes he’s not explosive or fast, but have you seen him in the red zone the past few weeks? He’s had some gritty rushes and bangs up defenses.

Let’s stop picking sides and be grateful we had a run game go for over 200 yards last week and over 150 against the Browns. It’s like the only bright spot on the team, don’t ruin it.

  • trofesh195B
    10 months ago

    It would be working even better if Warren was getting 75% of the carries.