I started really watching Raptors games with my dad about 9 years ago, when I was around 14, and have enjoyed watching them for most seasons up until last season and now this season of course. I remember LeBronto and and hated it, but could enjoy most of the regular season up until playoffs. My question is to the older fans who are in their 30s and watched the pre-Demar/Kyle era. I’ve watched a couple older games on YouTube, but hard to get a grasp on the overall season when I was barely a teen when it was happening.

Was this team ever as frustrating to watch as they are now? I know they’ve been worse overall, but being stuck in the middle with no sense of direction is so frustrating. If yes, please feel free to shares some stories of darker days 😅

  • absolutkaosB
    10 months ago

    his is gonna make me sound like an old fart but I think it’s the other way around. The fan base has never been this easily frustrated. We used to be more patient because we’d never won anything before. We never had the luxury of an all-NBA player on the roster, one that half the fan base wanted to trade in order for better spacing with a budding superstar. Those of us who were here for the Babcock days, can you imagine? We never had a front office that made magical move after magical move that turned us into a championship squad. It was one bad trade after another, franchise-crippling moves. Free agent signings that didn’t work, random me-first players having career nights that cost us lottery balls. And horrible, horrible draft picks. Horrible lottery draft picks. And the coaching, oh my god the coaching.

    Anyway, does it look bad right now? A little bit. But not that bad. I’ve seen a lot wors

    you old fart! remember when … wait … what what are we talking about?

    seriously though, younger generations dont know how to take an L without coming up with some crazy hyperbolic take about needing to burn down everything. there’s no room for patience, development, or taking your lumps to improve yourself.

    i mean just look at how people have turned on Coach Darko as an example. brand new coach, 14 games of head coaching experience, and people are calling for his head. the same people that were cheering when a championship calibre coach like NN left.

    • CanadianGrooseOPB
      10 months ago

      People blaming Darko for our 6-8 record are wildin’. Bro is still learning the players and has to work with the roster he has. Give him a full season or 2. Nurse at least had the luxury of being an Assistant with this team for 5 years before. Plus he had Kawhi. 🤷‍♂️ I’d rather him make his mistakes this season than in a season that we’re actually contenders in.