PSV is de eerste topclub waar een meisje meetraint met de jongens. De 9-jarige Liz Mathijssen volgt een maatwerktraject bij PSV Academy, waar ze zich kan ontwikkelen onder de hoogst mogelijke weerstand. Een grote mijlpaal voor het vrouwenvoetbal binnen en buiten de club.
I call BS here; go read the first chapter of the book Outliers. Early years, physical development matters a LOT. Studies showed pro-athelete’s birthdays are biased heavily towards the beginning of the year. The idea being that at age 4.75 say you have an extra .75 years of physical development over peers born later in the year. This manifests in you seeing more of the play as you’ll be physically dominant. This compounds into more practice, eventually leading to being better (on average), so playing more, so getting better, so getting picked for development teams, so getting better and on & on.
I call BS here; go read the first chapter of the book Outliers. Early years, physical development matters a LOT. Studies showed pro-athelete’s birthdays are biased heavily towards the beginning of the year. The idea being that at age 4.75 say you have an extra .75 years of physical development over peers born later in the year. This manifests in you seeing more of the play as you’ll be physically dominant. This compounds into more practice, eventually leading to being better (on average), so playing more, so getting better, so getting picked for development teams, so getting better and on & on.