Just got the 512gb oled steam deck delivered today. I noticed that the down on the Dpad is “clickier” than the other directions, almost like a hard plastic sound but without the feeling. The down button can be pressed into a “half press” state that the other directions can’t, and that it doesn’t always register, to a degree that it’s often causing misclicks. Anyone else notice or have this, or experienced this on the older lcd models? If so, any fixes? It also seems to happen more when the dpad is “slid” down. You might need to volume up with the video.

Actually, having played around with it more, it only seems to happen when the dpad is “slid” down more within the steam deck shell cutout. Pretty easy to do though with just casual use.

I’ve also noticed that the a, b, x, y face buttons are a lot more rattly/looser than my previous lcd model.

  • BrTr3DOPB
    10 months ago

    I can push the dpad around laterally within the cutout, but this is pretty normal for devices/controllers as far as I know. My analogue pocket, for example, does it quite a bit with no issues. My old lcd steam deck does it as well, but to a lesser degree.

    When you have the clicking sound when the dpad is further laterally downwards, do you also sometimes get the half press with it not registering? I don’t get the half press symptom with any other direction, can’t even do a half press.
    I’m debating whether to send it back about this issue or not. I’d rather just open it up and fix it, but don’t want to mess things up when it’s new and still has the option of rma’ing it.