He’s been perennially injured since late 2022 and has missed tons of time due to an assortment of weird ailments — surgery on his non-shooting wrist somehow affected his summertime knee conditioning regimen, he missed games due to complaints of foot blisters, he tweaked his ankle by closing out on a Jalen Green drive, and now he mysteriously strained his Achilles.

He had knee surgery in April yet is still missing back-to-backs and having his minutes reduced in November. He’s played over 35 minutes in only 2 games since 2022. Hell, he hasn’t played more than 30 minutes this season. He’s averaging around 14 and 5 on 55% TS with porous defense since 2022 despite being paid nearly $30 million a year, i.e., an All Star’s salary.

It’s been nearly 2 years of this and we’re still using Khris’ lack of health as an excuse for whenever we lose. I’m starting to worry that this may be the new Khris. He’s 33 and it looks like his athleticism is dwindling game by game…and Khris was never a hyper athlete to begin with.

If this persists, I think Horst might be making some uncomfortable calls in the summer.