Is there a reason I am getting all these elo gaps in my silver solo games? Is it because they need to “balance” my WR to 50%? I have seen these gaps more frequently this month while I have a winning streak in silver.
I think ±1 placement is okay, but ±2 placements when I am having massive trouble touching gold with my 478 games in 23 split 2 alone?
cries in our jungler when there is a 50+ and 80+ cs & k/d diff in the early and mid-late game…
I did read a lot of comments like what you said and I am doing that already.
I do believe that ranks do make a difference in low elo, even if it is small/tiny/negligible to the point that high elo players have been saying. Minor differences such as when to join team fights, using the map, income, mechanics, cs/min (this one is important!), etc. are the dividing factors I can tell apart from bronze to low-upper mid silver (cannot say about ranks higher than gold). It is the proficiency of these concepts combined that differs from low elo ranks to ranks (known as the skill gap). Please do note that the proficiency I am talking about refers to the fundamental concepts, not the advanced ones. I believe the high elo is all about advanced mechanics and more.
I also do believe that players who play ranked will want to climb up, as that’s what makes ranked different from blind or draft pick.
However, the main complaint here is not about hard stuck in low elo. It’s about the balancing of the matchmaking system (troll/placement diff in a team) that we low elo players have to deal with for no reason.