Is there a reason I am getting all these elo gaps in my silver solo games? Is it because they need to “balance” my WR to 50%? I have seen these gaps more frequently this month while I have a winning streak in silver.
I think ±1 placement is okay, but ±2 placements when I am having massive trouble touching gold with my 478 games in 23 split 2 alone?
cries in our jungler when there is a 50+ and 80+ cs & k/d diff in the early and mid-late game…
I believe your perception of this post and these comments are incorrect.
Again (as mentioned for the third time), this post is about the matchmaking system balance. We are not here to brag about how teammates caused us to lose a game or how they hard-stuck silver. We are not even talking about the games itself, just the placement gap.