Yes, Scherff has mostly been up to his usual injury shenanigans and Morgan is still a solidly average starter. But the unspoken issue is the lack of veteran presence in the OLine. So many strong OLines play as units and benefit from talented vets. Just look at what happened to the 49ers oline when Trent came in. The Oline improved significantly, even when he’s injured, and he hypes up the whole team.

OL is not like CB, RB, or DE. A talented college player can produce as a rookie and you see it regularly.

I believe that there are a few positions that require significant post-college development to reach their potential, WR QB and OL. Many of the best tackles and guards across the league are 3+ years in and improved a lot from their rookie years So it won’t matter if we draft some athletic specimen early without support and peer coaching from an experienced leader. We need to sign a good FA OL vet to lead the unit.

You can point to the recent sack regression and say we don’t really need one but just look at the playbook. EB excised the playbook and is mainly calling short routes because Sam has no time to make a read or let a route develop.