First, before I start, I’d like to say that NOTHING about Doinb is at all confirmed. This is just an update to a situation so Western bros can know what’s up and maybe pray for Doinb, whichever way the situation goes.

So, just in the past few days, one of the big streaming sites in China “DouYu”(斗鱼) has sorta fallen apart at the seams. As summarized in this article, the CEO of the site ShaoJie Chen–alongside a number of big name streamers that I personally don’t know jack all about–have all been arrested. The official reasoning given by the Chinese government is that they were all involved in gambling and money-laundering. It’s kinda complicated, but the gist of it is actually kinda similar to how some European laws count lootboxes as gambling. Basically, a bunch of big streamers were doing prize wheels and stuff for donos and more real-money stuff, and the government is finally stepping in.

Where this gets serious for us League people, however, is that DouYu is where Doinb has been streaming for the past few years. And, around the same time all these other DouYu people started getting arrested, Doinb left China to return to Korea. Officially, Doinb’s own explanation is that this is a family emergency, as seen in this video. In the video, he talks about how he’s going to stop streaming for a bit, and that someone in his family is sick, and that all his viewers should also take care of their own health–all standard stuff. HOWEVER, what people have noticed is that Doinb has deleted like 100+ pages of stream VODs from his DouYu channel, as demonstrated by this Weibo post. What’s even more fucked is that, when that post was made, there were still 299 pages of VOD left on Doinb’s channel, but just now, I checked on, and there are only 166 pages of VODs left. Again, nothing is AT ALL confirmed, but man, it certainly is a bit weird for someone with a sick family member to be spending all his time deleting stream VODs.

tldr: Chinese streaming site DouYu is getting dismantled by the police for illegal activities. Doinb streams on that site. Doinb has returned to Korea during all this to take care of family matters, but for some reason deleted a bunch of stream VODs. Best wishes to his family, but hope he’s not in trouble with the law.

  • redhot-chilipeppersB
    10 months ago

    Why would it be a downer if he gets what’s coming to him. I don’t understand.