In 2020, T1 Rookies won the Academy Series with the line-up of Zeus, Oner, Fisher, Berserker, Crescent.
3 years after, Zeus and Oner are LCK champions and World Champions.
Berserker is LCS Champion.
Crescent, who is Delight, is an LCK Champion.
This T1 Rookies line-up with Willer (LSB) and Burdol and one right before this with Canna, Ellim, Clozer, Gumayusi are probably one of the most stacked Rookies roster to date.
Fisher went to EDG’s challenger team this year and rumors are he will be called up to the main team as a mid sub.
He was on the academy/challengers (whichever lpl has) team last year. Rumors are he will be called up this year as a sub to FoFo. He is still very young (born 2005 I believe), and he definitely had some potential back then so we will see.