So, here is my experience: I’m playing LoL since 10 years, with lot of breaks tho. I came back to it a couple month ago, after a two years break; I did my placements, won 3, lost 2, got placed Silver III. After 1 month I was Bronze II.

I kept playing and I noticed that I was always the best on my team, giving good calls that nobody follows, rotating, playing for objs exc… (I play jung).

After deranking so hard I was very upset, because I was able to carry alone 1 or 2 games outta 6/7, and plus it was frustrating since I wasn’t really enjoying the game, I always had to tryhard without a real team, I wasn’t playing the game as it’s meant to be.

I decided to start a fresh account, because on the first one I gained 15/16 and lost 33/34, it was kinda impossible, seen the team I kept getting.

Well, after a month playing on the new account, I reached lvl30, did placements, got Silver II and now, after 2 weeks I’m… Emerald III. Kinda stopped here since I’m gained less and losing more again, (like 20/26).

So, what’s the point there?

As I’ve always thought, if you’re not a real beast at the game, you can’t escape elo hell if you’re “just” a good player, you need teammates. I got lucky when I finished placements and I got good teammates and reached Plat very soon. I noticed that I wasn’t the only one playing, and even in games that I was losing, it wasn’t because of afks, trolls, weird stupid picks, or inters.

Don’t listen people who say: “if you’re good, you climb”. It’s not enough. If you’re a god, you climb, if you aren’t but you think you’re better than the elo where you’re stucked, try starting a fresh account, and hope for good luck.

This makes me sad in a way, but… it is what it is.

  • SvckMyGvcciOPB
    10 months ago

    pro players are the gods I’m talking about.