It feels like half of all players have chat disabled.

Pings just got gutted.

Chat is restricted as fuck.

There’s no voice chat.

Everyone’s just a jungle camp in Champ Select.

The most common advice is to ignore your teammates

Why does everyone queue up with the mindset of “me and 4 bots”?

Why are we shocked interactions turn toxic when the game tries their hardest to make your forget you’re playing with actual human beings?

No shit people say heinous shit to a random sample of pixels they’ve been continues to not think of as a person.

I don’t wanna play soloq these days, not because of Toxicity or balancing, because it just feels so dead and lonely :(

The community has brought this on itself btw. Of course riot is going to gut communication and feelings of humanity when everything people say about league is “lol so toxic”.

  • NCD_Lardum_ASOPB
    1 year ago

    Except the toxicity hasn’t gone away at all? The difference being we don’t have good interactions anymore.

    Would you rather be called an ugly fuck by at least one person BUT also get to meet other normal human beings like your colleagues for dinner.

    Or the only human interaction you have every day is people honking at you from their cars for whatever fucking reason?

    I like interacting with other people more than I dislike the few genuine shits.

    and to think that people want voice chat when there’s a toxic player in every game even after comms restrictions?

    🤡 the closer we get to a face to face interaction the more “human” we act… Voice chat is much more civil because it feels more “human”.

    I was never told to jump in a flaming pit of tar over CSGO voice chat but I sure was over text.

    Valorant voice works fine 🙃🙃🙃

    If you don’t wanna interact with other humans… why play a multiplayer game?

    • KatyaBelliB
      1 year ago

      Holy shit opt-out voice in League sounds like an absolute nightmare lmao.

      Flamed instantly for not joining because I have an effeminate voice and I know how people are. Yeah no fuckin thanks.