Probably the best example I can think of is Diane Duane reworking her Wizards series to make it modern-day, but there are others, including owners of a literary estate altering books left to them to make them compatible with current standards.

What do you think? Does it matter if it’s the original author or an inheritor?

  • CerebusGortokB
    1 年前

    A lot of artist choose not to interpret their own works, which I think is valid. They don’t confirm or deny what other people get out of it. If they do want to take a stance, I think its just as valid.

    A lot of writers say they don’t intentionally use symbiology in their books which a lot of people interpret. Even if they don’t do it on purpose, though it can be a subconscious thing. A Chekov’s Gun for example is foreshadowing even if it wasn’t intentional.