I have a couple WD MyBooks in use. While I never liked the idea that their enclosures might not allow me to use foreign drives inside of them I didn’t care much since I didn’t plan on shucking them. A couple years pass by, and now I may be shucking them soon so now this has become inconvenient.
Luckily I have a bunch of empty Easystore enclosures I can use but I think the plastic shells from the MyBooks look nicer when aligned in a row due to their more boxy shape. I know there are ways to make MyBooks read other drives by cutting pins but I’m not interested in doing that. I’d rather just use the Easystores at that point.
Does anyone here know if I can simply use Easystore PCBs in MyBook shells?
If I have to cut plastic to make them fit I’d rather just use the Easystores. They either fit or they don’t.
I would test this for myself but my Easystore enclosures aren’t kept locally.
These are the drive models I have.
8TB MyBook
8TB Easystore
My Easystore enclosures aren’t kept locally, I only have the MyBooks nearby at the moment.
I can find out eventually but it will be a while before I get to them.