I’m sad, angry, and isolated, and for better or worse, I just need to share my TI experience this year. Some of you may agree or disagree with my part in it, and please share your opinion. I Just need to share this to keep myself from doing anything stupid while my wife sleeps next to me. I hope you can understand. I open myself up to the public scrutiny willingly. That said, here’s my experience:

I got physically assaulted by two guests at TI who were saving seats at the grand finals. My pregnant wife and I were sitting when the row behind us lied, reported me to security for causing a scene, and then I was removed from the arena after explaining to security that I had a recording proving their statements were false and offered to show them it. No refund, no meeting my hero Dendi, no witnessing this bucket list moment for me, the raising of the aegis in person, just one time in my life.

I understand others may have handled it differently and just found other seats, but when you buy tickets that are general admission, and block 5+ seats for people that aren’t there for hours while people showed up on time and wanting to watch the action, please also understand a fan’s frustration.

To those that bullied me, lied to event security, and resulted in my being removed- know that you did that to a severely mentally ill man who has PTSD, depression, anxiety, a service animal, and his pregnant wife on one of the most highly anticipated and important events of their lives. Know that you instead protected an entitled man who lied about his “wife and kids” showing up any moment, when after at hour and a half only his other buddies showed up instead. You may have handled it differently but I didn’t deserve this. All I did was sit in seats that were first come first serve. If you didn’t like that policy then do not buy tickets.

My wife and I sat outside the arena, while I cried, mad at myself, mad at the people who lied, mad at the people who held seats and assaulted me, at security, and that I’ll never have this opportunity again. I’m finishing watching TI from my hotel room and then heading back home tomorrow destroyed, and honestly just wanting to die. I don’t have friends. I have my wife and I have DOTA, and now I feel like I don’t even have that.

I’m sorry if I handled this wrong, but I’m not sorry for standing up for myself and my wife who deserved to be there just as much as any of you who This isn’t what the community is about. I accept any criticism or advice you have for me. Thank you for hearing me even if you don’t agree.

  • DaxxarriOPB
    11 months ago

    You’re probably right but I’m going to do my best because I don’t have another choice besides exiting their life. I grew up without a dad (fentanyl OD) and having him there could’ve changed a lot. Fuck this comment hurts. I read this when I woke up and it’s stuck with me. I respect your opinion but I hope you’re wrong for my kid’s sake. Appreciate it.