KD is 4th in minutes per game. The 3 guys above him are all in their 20’s.

Not surprisingly KD got injured. This has to stop. Playing KD 36-40 minutes every game at 35 years old is irresponsible.

The same thing happened with the Nets. Both seasons he was putting up huge minutes in the first half of the season. Then he got injured. Sure you can blame it on bad luck. But a fatigued body is more prone to injury.

Plus its just statistics. The more minutes you play the greater chance of injury.

37 minutes versus 32 minutes. That is about 15% less minutes. That drops injury risk by at least 15%

Its time rely more heavily on Book. KDs minutes needs to drop to the 32-33 minutes per game

  • Shoddy_Ad7511OPB
    10 months ago

    Then how come every other guy around his age or older is playing way less minutes?