1. The Steelers franchise in its entirety let me down today. It’s rare when I feel embarrassed to be a fan of this team, but today is one of those days.

  2. What happened following our opening series? It started out so hot, we seemed to be really in sync. Then on defense as well, we were getting pressure, forcing three and outs, before the meltdown. What changed?

  3. How were the players, coaching staff, whoever not able to jumpstart things and bounce back with a new plan of attack following multiple weather delays at home. The visiting team seemed way more comfortable. Unacceptable.

  4. Sad to see Kenny injured again. He’s tough, can tell he always wants to be out there. But can’t help but feel that he’s frail and this will always be an issue with him. You add this to wildly inconsistent play and I’d be hard pressed to not be okay with beginning the search of finding the person to truly replace Ben. At this point, it’s not Kenny, it’s not Mitch and it’s not Mason.

  5. Fourth down playcall at one yard line was abysmal, reminiscent of Matt Canada’s call versus the Texans. What’s the obsession with being in shotgun?? I’ll never understand it.

  6. Our offense is dreadful. Sure, there are good moments. Sure there are good players and sure the blame can be passed around. But they rarely are fun to watch, can never be relied on to carry the team and NEVER fucking score touchdowns.

  7. Tackling today was embarrassing. Guys were getting shed by Connor at a ridiculous clip, they couldn’t wrap up Kyler, it was unbelievably frustrating.

  8. Much like we need to find out if Kenny is sufficient to start, we need to find out if Mitch is sufficient to be a solid backup. Doesn’t pass the eye test so far. Especially for what he costs. I’ve always taken pride in having a security blanket like Landry Jones in short spurts. Mitch hasn’t shown that yet. He better on Thursday.

  9. It’s clear, much like Matt Canada accidentally alluded to earlier in the year. This team is not built to play from behind, and has no recourse if they are down by two possessions. Our drives are too long, slow and deliberate to catch up. Oh, you have to score TD’s to catch up too btw.

  10. For the first time in my time watch Coach Tomlin at the helm, making me a staunch believer and supporter, I am concerned about his long-term future here. Games like this, games like the one against the Browns are really damaging in that regard.

  11. This team is dead in the water. Make No bones about it. They may win enough to make the playoffs, but this team is not good, is not disciplined, not fun to watch and we are ultimately playing out the string at this point. It’s sad, and with Kenny’s injury I worry we will not get clarity on his future. Can you imagine him coming back cold turkey in the wild card round? Ugh.

See you Thursday.