His first few years, I was firmly in the camp of “Nothing I’ve seen so far dashes all hopes that he could someday be really good, BUT…he’s not there yet”.

He got better every year. But even after last year, I wasn’t in the “He just needs to stay healthy and he’s amazing” camp. I thought he needed to improve in a few areas to really make a jump. He’s improved incredibly in all of them.

If you’re interested:

His “Oh shit, I gotta get the fuck out of here” alarm needed to start going off sooner.

His “Ah shit, this play is just over” detector needed to work better.

And most importantly, he needed to progress from a great pre-snap, 1 read QB to a great pre-snap, but also then go thru progressions for real QB. I think last year, he was just looking away from his predetermined first read to move defenders and then turn back to where he was going initially and throw it. Defenses got wise to it.

Now he’s legit reading the field post snap and everyone is fucked.

If you’re further interested…

It always seemed obvious that the type of QB he is, his elite traits wouldn’t really start to show up until the game slowed down for him. Other QBs (Herbert, Allen, etc) Their elite traits are obvious to anyone with eyeballs from the minute they step off the bus.

If this man continues to progress alongside those others and the game continues to slow down for him, and his elite traits continue to mature, he’ll be the best of the bunch. (Mayyyyybe Trevor Lawrence? Mahommes of course) but who gives a fuck?? Tua’s our guy. He’s legit as fuck.

I ALSO think…u need the right combo of coach/qb to have long term success so…FUUUUUUUUUCK YEAH.

Thanks for reading.

Sorry I said fuck so much.