Hi everyone,

u/daviwil had released an excellent video in his System Crafters channel, where he showed how to hack org-roam:


I have copied his code into my config (the function that allows to create a TODO in a project file that we select (or create if not existing) is very useful.

I want to create a similar one: I want to create an event in a select customer file and to create this customer file if it does not exist.

The filter of the nodes with the tags “customer” works, but I am stuck with the definition of the content to insert as the event:

- I want the events to be inserted as subheadings of the heading “History” of the customer file (easy)

- I want the events to be saved as a tree structure:

** Year
*** Month
**** day
***** Event 1
***** Event 2....

I am trying to modify his code, but I always have errors

- I have replaced plain with entry in order to get the content as a heading

- I have replaced file+head+olp in the template definition by file+olp+datetree

 (org-roam-capture- :node (org-roam-node-read
                            (my/org-roam-filter-by-tag "customer"))
  :templates '(("p" "project" entry "* %<%u>%?/n%i\n%a"
                                   :if-new (file+olp+datetree "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org"
                                                          "#+title: ${title}\n#+category: ${title}\n#+filetags: project"

But still I get the error save-excursion: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil"

What do I get wrong??

  • fmou67OPB
    11 months ago

    Sorry, I forgot to attach it. I am afraid, I do not understand what is wrong.

    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil) 
      (save-excursion (goto-char p) (let* ((id (and t (org-entry-get p "ID")))) (if id (progn (or (progn (and (memq ... cl-struct-org-roam-node-tags) t)) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'org-roam-node org-roam-capture--node))) (let* ((v org-roam-capture--node)) (aset v 6 id))) (org-entry-put p "ID" (progn (or (progn (and ... t)) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list ... org-roam-capture--node))) (aref org-roam-capture--node 6))))) (prog1 (org-id-get) (run-hooks 'org-roam-capture-new-node-hook))) 
      (let (p new-file-p) (let* ((val (org-roam-capture--get-target))) (if (consp val) (let* ((x356 (car-safe val))) (cond ((eq x356 'file) (let* (...) (if ... ...))) ((eq x356 'file+olp) (let* (...) (if ... ...))) ((eq x356 'file+head) (let* (...) (if ... ...))) ((eq x356 'file+head+olp) (let* (...) (if ... ...))) ((eq x356 'file+datetree) (let* (...) (if ... ...))) ((eq x356 'node) (let* (...) (if ... ...))))))) (save-excursion (goto-char p) (let* ((id (and t (org-entry-get p "ID")))) (if id (progn (or (progn (and ... t)) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list ... org-roam-capture--node))) (let* ((v org-roam-capture--node)) (aset v 6 id))) (org-entry-put p "ID" (progn (or (progn ...) (signal ... ...)) (aref org-roam-capture--node 6))))) (prog1 (org-id-get) (run-hooks 'org-roam-capture-new-node-hook)))) 
      (cond ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-roam-capture-preface-hook)) (t (org-roam-capture--setup-target-location))) 
      (let ((id (cond ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-roam-capture-preface-hook)) (t (org-roam-capture--setup-target-location))))) (org-roam-capture--adjust-point-for-capture-type) (let ((template (org-capture-get :template))) (if (stringp template) (progn (org-capture-put :template (org-roam-capture--fill-template template))))) (org-roam-capture--put :id id) (org-roam-capture--put :finalize (or (org-capture-get :finalize) (org-roam-capture--get :finalize)))) 
      (let ((fun x253)) (funcall fun) (org-capture-put :exact-position (point)) (setq target-entry-p (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-at-heading-p)))) 
      (if (null x254) (let ((fun x253)) (funcall fun) (org-capture-put :exact-position (point)) (setq target-entry-p (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-at-heading-p)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))) 
      (let* ((x253 (car-safe x252)) (x254 (cdr-safe x252))) (if (null x254) (let ((fun x253)) (funcall fun) (org-capture-put :exact-position (point)) (setq target-entry-p (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-at-heading-p)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) 
      (if (consp x252) (let* ((x253 (car-safe x252)) (x254 (cdr-safe x252))) (if (null x254) (let ((fun x253)) (funcall fun) (org-capture-put :exact-position (point)) (setq target-entry-p (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-at-heading-p)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))) 
      (let* ((x252 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x252) (let* ((x253 (car-safe x252)) (x254 (cdr-safe x252))) (if (null x254) (let ((fun x253)) (funcall fun) (org-capture-put :exact-position (point)) (setq target-entry-p (and (derived-mode-p ...) (org-at-heading-p)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) 
      (cond ((eq x223 'here) (let* ((x224 (cdr-safe val))) (if (null x224) (funcall pcase-0) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file) (let* ((x225 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x225) (let* ((x226 (car-safe x225)) (x227 (cdr-safe x225))) (if (null x227) (let (...) (set-buffer ...) (org-capture-put-target-region-and-position) (widen) (setq target-entry-p nil)) (let (...) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'id) (let* ((x228 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x228) (let* ((x229 (car-safe x228)) (x230 (cdr-safe x228))) (if (null x230) (let (...) (let* ... ...)) (let (...) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+headline) (let* ((x231 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x231) (let* ((x232 (car-safe x231)) (x233 (cdr-safe x231))) (if (consp x233) (let* (... ...) (if ... ... ...)) (let (...) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+olp) (let* ((x236 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x236) (let* ((x237 (car-safe x236)) (x238 (cdr-safe x236))) (let ((path x237) (outline-path x238)) (let (...) (set-buffer ...) (org-capture-put-target-region-and-position) (widen) (goto-char m) (set-marker m nil)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+regexp) (let* ((x239 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x239) (let* ((x240 (car-safe x239)) (x241 (cdr-safe x239))) (if (consp x241) (let* (... ...) (if ... ... ...)) (let (...) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+olp+datetree) (let* ((x244 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x244) (let* ((x245 (car-safe x244)) (x246 (cdr-safe x244))) (let ((path x245) (outline-path x246)) (let (...) (set-buffer ...) (org-capture-put-target-region-and-position) (widen) (goto-char m) (set-marker m nil) (require ...) (org-capture-put-target-region-and-position) (widen) (funcall ... ... ...)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+function) (let* ((x247 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x247) (let* ((x248 (car-safe x247)) (x249 (cdr-safe x247))) (if (consp x249) (let* (... ...) (if ... ... ...)) (let (...) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'function) (let* ((x252 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x252) (let* ((x253 (car-safe x252)) (x254 (cdr-safe x252))) (if (null x254) (let (...) (funcall fun) (org-capture-put :exact-position ...) (setq target-entry-p ...)) (let (...) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'clock) (let* ((x255 (cdr-safe val))) (if (null x255) (let nil (if (and (markerp org-clock-hd-marker) (marker-buffer org-clock-hd-marker)) (progn (set-buffer ...) (org-capture-put-target-region-and-position) (widen) (goto-char org-clock-hd-marker)) (user-error "No running clock that could be used as capture tar..."))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) (t (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target)))) 
      (let* ((x223 (car-safe val))) (cond ((eq x223 'here) (let* ((x224 (cdr-safe val))) (if (null x224) (funcall pcase-0) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file) (let* ((x225 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x225) (let* ((x226 ...) (x227 ...)) (if (null x227) (let ... ... ... ... ...) (let ... ...))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'id) (let* ((x228 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x228) (let* ((x229 ...) (x230 ...)) (if (null x230) (let ... ...) (let ... ...))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+headline) (let* ((x231 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x231) (let* ((x232 ...) (x233 ...)) (if (consp x233) (let* ... ...) (let ... ...))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture target specification: %S" target))))) ((eq x223 'file+olp) (let* ((x236 (cdr-safe val))) (if (consp x236) (let* ((x237 ...) (x238 ...)) (let (... ...) (let ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (let ((target val)) (error "Invalid capture